Monday, May 16, 2016

Foreign Exchange

Foreign exchange 
  • the buying and selling of currency 
  • Any transaction that occurs in the balance of payments necessitates foreign exchange 
  • The exchange rate (e) is determined in the foreign currency markets - [ex. the current exchange rate is approximately 8 yuan to 1 dollar] 

Changes is exchange rates 
  • an increase in the supply of currency will decrease the exchange rate of a currency 
  • A decrease in supply of a currency will increase the exchange rate of a currency 
  • An increase in demand for a currency will increase the exchange rate of a currency 
  • A decrease in demand for a currency will decrease the exchange rate of a currency 

Appreciation and depreciation 
  • appreciation of a currency occurs when the exchange rate of that currency increases (e⬆️) 
  • Depreciation of a currency occurs when the exchange rate of that currency decreases (e⬇️) 

Exchange rate determinants 
  1. Consumer tastes 
  2. Relative income 
  3. Relative price level 
  4. Speculation 

Exports and imports 
  • the exchange rate is a determinant of both exports and imports 
  • Appreciation of the dollar causes American goods to be relatively more expensive and foreign goods to be relatively cheaper this reducing exports and increasing imports 
  • Depreciation of the dollar causes American goods to be relatively cheaper and foreign goods to be relatively more expensive thus increasing exports and reducing imports

1 comment:

  1. Your blog looks great, but I believe you are missing some of the absolute advantage notes.
